Accessory Buildings
Thinking about a new garage, pole building or shed? Below is the square footage formula to follow to find out what size accessory building would be permitted on your property. But easier yet, call the Planning and Building Department; we will calculate the allotted square footage for you.
Square footage formula for all accessory buildings such as pole barns, garages and sheds.
The total area of any combination of attached and detached accessory buildings in R-1A and R-1B Zoning Districts shall not exceed one thousand (1000) square feet. Detached accessory buildings shall cover no more than ten percent (10%) of the total area of the rear, even if the area referenced above has to be less than 1,000 square feet.
The total area of all attached accessory buildings in the RE district shall not exceed the total square footage of the living area of the principle building or a maximum of 1,200 square feet.
The total area of all detached accessory buildings in the RE district shall not exceed the total square footage of the living area of the principle building less the existing attached accessory building (garage) or 1,200 square feet, whichever is greater. The square footage of finished or unfinished basements shall not be considered when determining accessory building area. The area of detached accessory buildings may be increased by 400 square foot for each acre over 2.5 acres where additional acreage is part of a single lot or parcel. Restriction: Additional acreage used to increase the size of accessory structures in an RE District cannot be split off from the acres upon which the principal building is located.
Additional Requirements for Rural Estates Zone District
- Any structure or part thereof under roof is calculated as square feet.
- Accessory buildings cannot be located in front yard.
- Allowed two detached accessory building on any single lot.
- Minimum 25-foot separation from any other building.
- 25-foot minimum set back to side and rear property lines. (Homeowners are responsible for identifying property lines)
- Structures housing Class II animals shall be located no nearer than 200 feet to any dwelling which exists on an adjacent lot and no closer than 100 feet to any adjacent lot line. Fenced areas shall be located no closer than 50 feet from any dwelling which exists on an adjacent lot.
- Maximum height for all accessory structures in RE residential Districts is 25 feet. Height is the vertical distance from average grade on the front of the building to the highest point of the roof for all structures.
- No Building Permit required for accessory buildings less than 200 square feet. A zoning permit (location) is required.
R1-A and R1-B Residential Zone Districts
- Any structure or part thereof under roof is calculated as square feet.
- Accessory buildings cannot be located in front yard.
- Allowed one detached accessory building on any single lot.
- Minimum 10 foot separation from any other building.
- Five foot minimum setback to side and rear property lines (Homeowners are responsible for identifying property lines)
- Maximum height for all building and structures is 18 feet. Height is the vertical distance from average grade on the front of the building to the highest point of the roof for all structures.
- No building permit required for accessory buildings less than 200 square feet. A zoning permit (location) is required.